
Bose QC35 are completely useless at blocking out the sound of three middle-aged women talking about their children in a cafe.

Writing in public can be stressful, with the worry that someone might be looking at your screen. However, that concern is often lessened if you're writing in English.

Theo - (@theo)

Our new app is now live! Welcome to T3 Chat, the best AI chat app you've ever used. This demo is all real time. It's actually that fast.

A savvy marketer launched an AI chat app, boldly claiming it was the best available. It quickly gained massive exposure. However, the app is actually a mediocre web application, lacking features and certainly not the best (not even close).

I'm currently using a different AI chat app, one that surpasses this new release in every aspect. It was created by a lesser-known developer, which likely explains why it hasn't received much attention.

This makes me wonder: would you rather build a product used by 10,000 people, or one that's loved by 100?

看到一个写了 16 年博客的作者关站了,还是挺唏嘘的。

3 steps to become an artist:

  1. Cultivate a sense of quality.
  2. Understand what makes quality work.
  3. Produce work of quality.

Deadline Kills Art

If you're worried that someone will take your idea and create a better product before you do, you're essentially admitting that the idea itself is more valuable than passion and execution, which often isn't the case.

数学告诉我们:0.999999... = 1

拼多多告诉我们:0.99999... < 1


Airtable 作为 Data Source 好像挺不错:格式丰富,支持 API 调用,免费版足够用,多端适配,导出数据方便。

没想到,在普洱这座小城市体验到了酒店界的胖东来(虽然没有实地去过) -- 德庭花园酒店(对创始人挺感兴趣的,但网上信息极少)。在保障基本入住体验的基础上,提供了一些不过度、有小惊喜的服务:

  • 早中晚饭免费且品类多、品质佳。
  • 行李送到房间门口,并会提示房间里所有物品、饮料均免费。
  • 可以免费洗烘衣服(会上门来取,洗烘完后送回)。
  • 有一对一的微信管家。
  • 所有的服务员都会微笑地打招呼。
  • 帮忙叫车送到火车站,行李一直送到车上。

确实能感受到非常在意入住体验,细节做的也很到位(比如就餐区会提供儿童餐盘和筷子)。可能这就是 Pour Your Heart Into It 吧。



西双版纳 Day 4: 普洱(炬点咖啡庄园 + 那柯里古镇)

西双版纳 Day 3: 普洱

西双版纳 Day 2: 雨林徒步

西双版纳 Day 1: 中科院植物园 + 曼远村

西双版纳 Day 0

电影 - 里斯本丸沉没



SwiftUI 给我的感觉有点复杂,一方面确实能感受到声明式 UI 带来的便捷和高效,另一方面,调试的不便,经常容易 Break 的特性,让每一次系统升级都胆战心惊。但总体看来,大势是往这个方向发展,所以还是上船吧。