Elmo Chat

Elmo Chat is your AI companion to create summaries, insights and extended knowledge.

这个 Chrome LLM 插件用着挺舒服的

Zayn Hao (@EryouHao)

Minttr 创始用户的从 0 → 1 → 50,分享一下这个过程的感受,希望能对也是个人开发者的你有所启发: #01 我通过付费试用方式(是的,支持无理由退款),寻找那些“真正”感兴趣的早期创始用户。 → 通过建立专门的群组与他们建立联系,沟通使用反馈,讨论想法,这个过程真的很棒! → 这些早期创始用户能够给到更高质量的沟通,同时也反过来激励自己认真思考每一条反馈的出发点是什么,多思考 5 秒来给出一个相对更认真的回复。 → 同时由于这个付费机制的存在,也会隐形的鞭策自己,保持热情,持续发货。 → 另外一个惊喜的发现是,我会在中间某个功能设计环节产生疑惑,与他人沟通想法会得到更多视角的输入,这对于个人开发者来说非常宝贵。(当然,我偶尔也会和 AI 来商量) #02 在你获得前 100 个真实用户之前,人工操作是最具效率的方式。 → Minttr 到现在都还没有在系统内设置付费、充值机制。所有能注册的账号,都是 Pro 会员,可以使用所有功能。 → 人工发送每封内测邀请邮件,这个感受很好。能够提醒我,把他们当朋友。我还在人工发邮件的阶段,说明持续迭代是当前阶段更重要的事情,让我更专注。 #03 交替优先级进行功能设计,等同于劳逸结合。 → 我不是笔记软件专家,只是对这个软件充满了很多想实验的想法。其中有包含 AI 的,有视觉的、交互的。在仅有我个人使用的阶段,我常遵循“三次原则”(即在处理某个问题/流程时,有超过三次的解决某个问题/实验某个想法的冲动)来指导事情的落地。但也有很多不那么明确或想支持的事情。与创始用户们的沟通,会发现有人遇到类似的事情,会叠加到我自己的“三次原则”上,从而使想法更快地实施。所以,对于我来说“三次原则”加上用户反馈的结合,是一个很棒的产品决策框架。 → 一个人完成所有事情,会经历枯燥的常规功能开发与性感的创新实验的开发的混合。交替开发,一定程度上会让自己保持更多的动力。 #04 感激每一次正反馈,更加感谢每一次负反馈。 → 说好,点赞是人更愿意产生的动作。而说不,“批评”,会更加谨慎。但对于个人开发者来说,接收到负反馈,会更加高兴,同样具有激励作用。这些往往是更真实的感受。 → Minttr 在这近两个月的时间内遇到了 2 次退款。这会警醒我,这不是失败,而是「产品定位的自然筛选过程」。我的想法和设计思路不一定匹配所有人,甚至更诚实地说是只能匹配到很少,很少一部分人。挖掘负反馈中“隐藏”地可提升地地方,如果也与你自己要进行的想法实验池相符,那就不用犹豫了,实施这个想法,就能带来价值。 #05 小红书是一个被低估的平台,我更倾向于诚实运营。 → 我几乎是在 Minttr 开始对外发一些片段的时候才使用小红书发帖子,到现在有 400 多关注者,虽然数量上不多,但付费人数占比远远,远远超出我的预期。在小红书上有很多做笔记软件的作者,但还蛮庆幸,没有人与我的“品味”完全相同(仅仅指关于这个软件上)。 → 我还没有“摸”到小红书的流量玩儿法,但我发现更诚实的表达,更真实环境的分享,带来不了大的流量,但能够帮你找到真正感兴趣的人,真实性可能比完美营销更能建立持久关系。 对每一个帮助你的人心怀感激,并努力前行。未来还有好多好多实验要去做。接下来希望分享更多关于构建 Minttr 的故事。🌱


  • 设置付费墙(允许全额退款),过滤真正想要用的用户。
  • 针对种子用户,建立群,沟通反馈和想法。
  • 手动发送邀请邮件,让用户感觉到有被特殊照顾。


nazha (@xiaokedada)

#分享 当 Cursor 遇到 Obsidian,配合 Cmd + Enter 秒变个人 AI 知识库

Cursor 的又一个妙用,纯文本在 AI 时代又焕发了新春。

JJ Redick 真的很棒,隔着屏幕我都能感觉被激励到,而且是那种以身作则而不仅仅是简单的 pep talk,希望湖人这个赛季能走得更远。

My LLM codegen workflow atm

A detailed walkthrough of my current workflow for using LLms to build software, from brainstorming through planning and execution.



My hack to-do list is empty because I built everything. I keep thinking of new things and knocking them out while watching a movie or something. For the first time in years, I am spending time with new programming languages and tools. This is pushing me to expand my programming perspective.

这就是 AI 给程序员带来的加成,甚至都不需要 to-do list,因为想到什么,很快就可以落地。


Bookmark and share your favorite links with your friends

虽然觉得这类 UGC 产品很难做大,但看到有人在做尝试就很开心,为一小部分人带来价值就很棒了。

The Bear Manifesto

An outline of my philosophy and direction for the platform

Simple, reliable, and long-lasting. We need more apps/SaaS like this.

PS: bearblog also have premium features that jumped to $2k a month in a matter of weeks.



Maybe the coolest online biz website I've seen

英伟达股票的空头观点简析 [译]

But even though I've thought the valuation was just too rich for my blood for the past year or so, a confluence of recent developments has caused me to flip a bit to my usual instinct, which is to be a bit more contrarian in outlook and to question the consensus when it seems to be more than priced in. The saying "what the wise man believes in the beginning, the fool believes in the end" became famous for a good reason.

Andrej Karpathy (@karpathy)

We have to take the LLMs to school. When you open any textbook, you'll see three major types of information: 1. Background information / exposition. The meat of the textbook that explains concepts. As you attend over it, your brain is training on that data. This is equivalent to pretraining, where the model is reading the internet and accumulating background knowledge. 2. Worked problems with solutions. These are concrete examples of how an expert solves problems. They are demonstrations to be imitated. This is equivalent to supervised finetuning, where the model is finetuning on "ideal responses" for an Assistant, written by humans. 3. Practice problems. These are prompts to the student, usually without the solution, but always with the final answer. There are usually many, many of these at the end of each chapter. They are prompting the student to learn by trial & error - they have to try a bunch of stuff to get to the right answer. This is equivalent to reinforcement learning. We've subjected LLMs to a ton of 1 and 2, but 3 is a nascent, emerging frontier. When we're creating datasets for LLMs, it's no different from writing textbooks for them, with these 3 types of data. They have to read, and they have to practice.


  1. AI 生成特定的知识点,用费曼的方式来讲解。
  2. 自动生成该知识点对应的测验。
  3. 如果测验结果错误,则放出相关的的知识点以及正确的解题思路。
  4. 经过多轮测验,AI 确保目标用户掌握该知识点之后,再重复 1.


Luyu Zhang (@goocarlos)

人有没有可能仅靠不断刷 4 选 1 的选择题,就能学会所有学科知识,而不必系统性阅读或上课?之所以产生这个问题,是因为我在加州驾考时的学习经历,我似乎掌握了加州的主要交规,但我却并没有阅读过交规原文。另外,我发现 Duolingo 这样的 App 本质上是一个刷题学习策略。 目前研究显示,测试效应(testing effect)和主动回忆(active recall)有助于记忆巩固。测试(即使是选择题形式)更能帮助信息的长期保持。这说明在一定程度上,通过不断做题能够强化知识的记忆。 不过,选择题这种形式主要侧重于“识别性记忆”,即在给定选项中辨认正确答案。我同意对于一些学科来说,尤其是那些需要深度理解、批判性思维、论证和创造性解决问题的领域(如数学、物理、哲学或文学分析),单靠选择题可能难以培养系统性和概念性的理解。许多学科的高阶知识需要通过开放性问题、论述、实验、项目实践等多种形式来掌握。

Actually, I think this could work.

Sidney Liu  (@cloxnu)

✨ 除夕前一天,恭祝大家新春快乐! ✨ 与此同时,我们的全新 App ✨𝗙𝗼𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁✨ 正式上线啦! 🚀 这是一款将飞行与专注结合的创新专注App,想要带你踏上一段沉浸式的专注之旅。 👇以下是我想要将 𝗙𝗼𝗰𝘂𝘀𝗙𝗹𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁 安利给你的理由:

很有创意的一款专注类 App,设计得也很精致

Antaripa Saha (@doesdatmaksense)

this snippet will always remain relevant

it's super tempting to take the path of least resistance. scrolling through insta, avoiding anything too challenging, staying in the comfort zone. but here's the thing: the more you avoid hard things, the harder life actually becomes. even the smallest challenges can feel overwhelming when you're not used to pushing yourself.

i recently decided to relearn math-linear algebra, calculus, stats-not because my day-to-day job requires it right now neither i am preparing for an interview, but because it's challenging. it's been a while since i've pushed my brain in that way. maybe you could say i have been on an autopilot mode. but the ongoing journey has been refreshing. it's like going to the gym, but for your mind. the process of working through tough problems, forcing myself to sit with discomfort, has reminded me how important it is to stay sharp and disciplined, even if i don't know exactly when i'll need it.

doing hard things trains you. it helps you to take the control of your mind.

it builds this mental toughness that sticks with you, no matter what you're doing. you know how people go to the gym even when they don't feel like it?

it's not easy for them either, but they still do it, for themselves, their body, their health, out of habit, out of sheer discipline. when you consistently push yourself to take on challenges, you start to see yourself differently. once you've proven to yourself that you can handle the tough stuff, everything else starts feeling a little more manageable. it's not just about being good at math or work or just navigating life-it's about building a mindset where you know you can figure things out, no matter how tough they seem.

but when you avoid hard things, you're essentially telling your mind to stay on autopilot. and the problem with autopilot is that it doesn't help you grow. when life throws something challenging your way, you're more likely to crumble because you haven't built up that mental toughness. discomfort will always feel like an intruder if you're not used to facing it.

so next time you feel like avoiding something because it seems hard, lean into it. push yourself to do the difficult thing. that's where the growth happens. discipline isn't built by staying comfy-it's built by showing up, especially when things get tough and proving to yourself that you're capable of more than you think.

It's well known that honeybees die after stinging someone, which seems illogical. However, from a gene's perspective, it makes perfect sense.

there are always several different levels at which a why problem can be answered, depending on what kind of response you're looking for.

Type – Take notes without interrupting your flow

A macOS app that lets you quickly jot things down.

This app has a brilliant concept: a GUI shortcut for text files that allows for quick note-taking. It's lightweight, easy to back up and review, and the design is exceptional.

Vercel's AI SDK offers a text-based version of its documentation specifically for LLMs, which is a thoughtful feature. Other documentation should consider adopting this approach.

ShipAny Docs

ShipAny Docs

This tool has been eye-opening. Could templates combined with an AI Code Agent be the future of website building?


Intelligent agents are considered by many to be the ultimate goal of AI. The classic book by Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (Prentice Hall, 1995), defines the field of AI research as “the study and design of rational agents.”

This article provides an overview of AI agents, defining them as entities that perceive their environment and act upon it using tools. It emphasizes that the capabilities of an agent are determined by its environment, the actions it can perform, and the tools it has access to. The article discusses various types of tools, including those for knowledge augmentation, capability extension, and write actions. It also delves into the planning process, highlighting the importance of decoupling planning from execution and the role of reflection and error correction. The article explores different planning techniques, including function calling and hierarchical planning. It also discusses the challenges of tool selection and the importance of evaluating agents for planning failures, tool failures, and efficiency. The article concludes by emphasizing the significance of agents and their potential impact, while also acknowledging the need for further research and development in this field.

Chip Huyen's article on AI Agent is exceptionally well-written. It explains the concept clearly and accessibly, and also provides detailed, relevant examples. It's a bit lengthy, but trust me, it's worth the read.

An agent is like an assistant. You give it a task, such as washing the car, and it figures out the most effective way to accomplish it.

Here's how it might work:

  • Plan: The agent researches the nearest car washes, their prices, and services.
  • Action: The agent drives to the chosen car, ensures the car is washed, and then drives it home.
  • Result: The task is completed.

In an AI agent, AI is the brain that processes the task, plans a sequence of actions to achieve this task, and determines whether the task has been accomplished.

Compared to non-agent use cases, agents typically require more powerful models for two reasons:

  • Compound mistakes: an agent often needs to perform multiple steps to accomplish a task, and the overall accuracy decreases as the number of steps increases. If the model’s accuracy is 95% per step, over 10 steps, the accuracy will drop to 60%, and over 100 steps, the accuracy will be only 0.6%.
  • Higher stakes: with access to tools, agents are capable of performing more impactful tasks, but any failure could have more severe consequences.

Complex tasks require planning. The output of the planning process is a plan, which is a roadmap outlining the steps needed to accomplish a task. Effective planning typically requires the model to understand the task, consider different options to achieve this task, and choose the most promising one.

This article is a personal reflection by a tenured professor, Matt Might, on his journey to tenure, prompted by a question about minimizing the risk of having a disabled child. Might shares his experience of having a son with a rare genetic disorder, which profoundly impacted his life and career. He argues that focusing on problems that matter, inspired by love and guided by knowledge, is more important than chasing metrics for tenure. He emphasizes the importance of teaching, service, and health, and regrets not pushing for open access earlier. He also highlights the crucial role of his wife in their family's journey and his success. Ultimately, he advocates for a holistic approach to academia, where making a difference is prioritized over traditional metrics.

This reminds me of river mussels that grow pearls around grains of sand. We've all experienced unfortunate events, perhaps even asking God, "Why me?" But instead of just accepting it, there's another option: Build your life around it. You're not the only one who has suffered; maybe you can do something to help others who have gone through something similar.

Measuring personal growth

My founder friends constantly think about growth. They think about how to measure their business growth and how to get to the next order of magnitude scale. If they’re making $1M ARR today, they think about how to get to $10M ARR. If they have 1,000 users today, they think about how to get to 10,000 users.

The author explores how to measure personal growth, moving beyond traditional metrics like net worth. Inspired by business growth metrics, she proposes three heuristics: rate of change (becoming a "new person" every 3-6 years), time to solve problems (tackling major life issues like career, family, and finance efficiently), and number of future options (making choices that maximize future possibilities). She uses the analogy of an investment, aiming to "double" herself by evolving and gaining new perspectives. The author emphasizes solving big problems to create safety nets for future exploration and prioritizing actions that expand future options. She acknowledges that these heuristics are tailored to her preference for novelty and exploration and may change in the future.

How can we tell if someone has grown over several years? Chip Huyen offers three tips. I particularly resonate with Point 2, "Time to solve problems," and Point 3, "Number of future options."

Big problems are like a foundation; they should be solid and reliable. As time goes on, they should become more robust, freeing you up to tackle more interesting challenges.

The number of future options is also an important measure. What opportunities are available to me today that weren't available five years ago?

In the face of uncertainty, I lean towards the decision that would give me the most future options. For example, I’d choose a job that pays less but gives me more job options in the future (e.g. if the job gives me exposure like allowing me to work on open source or publish papers). I’d prioritize tasks that teach me transferable skills instead of tasks that teach me niche, narrow skills.

While our approaches may vary, having clear metrics is crucial. These metrics will give us greater confidence in our purpose and help us persevere to achieve our goals.

The Only Thing You Need To Get Good At

A tiny article about Stoicism has had a significant influence on my life since I read it. Maybe for the first time in my adult life, I don't feel like I'm wasting much of my time. I feel unusually prepared to do difficult things. It was a short personal essay by Elif Batuman, about how reading Epictetus helped her through a strained relationship, political

This article discusses the core principle of Stoicism, which is to focus on what you can control and not worry about what you can't. It draws from the teachings of Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius, emphasizing the importance of dividing concerns into two categories: your actions and choices (the small bin you are responsible for) and everything else (the large bin that is the responsibility of the gods). The author explains that much of our suffering comes from trying to control the uncontrollable, and that true freedom and peace come from focusing on our own will and actions. The article also touches on the similarities between Stoicism and Buddhism, both of which emphasize letting go of the need to control everything. The author encourages readers to practice this principle daily, shrinking their sphere of concern to match their sphere of influence.

The core idea of this article, rooted in Stoicism, is to "focus your energy on what you can control and accept what you can't." While this sounds simple and practical, life is often more complex. For example, your job might bring pressure and unhappiness, even though it provides income. While you could control this situation, it would require significant effort. Ultimately, it comes down to identifying what matters most to you and then directing your energy accordingly.

Everything Must Be Paid for Twice

One financial lesson they should teach in school is that most of the things we buy have to be paid for twice. There’s the first price, usually paid in dollars, just to gain possession of the desired thing, whatever it is: a book, a budgeting app, a unicycle, a bundle of kale. But then, in order to make use of

This article introduces the concept that most things we buy has two prices: the first price, usually monetary, to acquire the item, and the second price, which is the effort and initiative required to actually use and benefit from it. The author argues that modern society focuses heavily on the first price, leading to a build-up of unused possessions and a feeling of unfulfillment. He suggests that we often overindulge in low-effort entertainment to avoid the second price, further depleting our time and energy. The solution is to consciously avoid needless first prices and focus on paying the second price for things we already own, which can lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling life. The author also mentions his "Depth Year" concept as a way to focus on using what we have.

I largely agree with the idea that most purchases have two prices. A prime example is "Read it Later" apps. We encounter an interesting article, click the button to save it, and instead of reading it, we immediately search for the next interesting article.

This reminds me of Goodhart's Law: "When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure."

The conflict arises because the second "price" is paid by someone other than the initial purchaser. When you buy an ice cream, you don't just put it in the fridge and forget about it.

The initial purchase decision is usually driven by System 1, which is more emotional. If the actual consumption requires System 2, and no resources are allocated to it, then it will be postponed, perhaps indefinitely.

However, the author's proposed solution is too simplistic and impractical. It's like saying we all know that eating too much junk food is bad for us, so the solution is easy: just eat less junk food. It's far more complex. The entire industry is designed to appeal to our System 1, and once System 1 is making most of our decisions, it's difficult to resist its pull.

So I asked Gemini 2.0 Flash its opinion on more workable and complementary solutions. I find them more helpful.

  • Start Small and Be Patient: Instead of trying to overhaul your entire life overnight, start with small, manageable changes. For example, commit to not buying any new books for a month, or dedicate 15 minutes each day to a hobby you've been neglecting. Gradual changes are more sustainable.
  • Identify Your Triggers: Become aware of the situations or emotions that lead to impulse purchases. Once you know your triggers, you can develop strategies to avoid or manage them.
  • Implement a "Waiting Period": Before making a non-essential purchase, wait a set period (e.g., 24 hours, a week). This can help you determine if you truly need the item or if it's just an impulse.
  • Create a "Use It" List: Make a list of the things you already own that you want to use more. This can help you prioritize your time and energy.
  • Schedule Time for Second Prices: Just like you schedule work or appointments, schedule time for activities that require effort and initiative, such as reading, learning a new skill, or exercising.
  • Focus on Experiences: Shift your focus from acquiring material possessions to investing in experiences, such as travel, concerts, or spending time with loved ones. These experiences often provide more lasting satisfaction.
  • Embrace Minimalism: Explore the principles of minimalism, which emphasize living with less and focusing on what truly matters. This can help you reduce clutter and prioritize your time and energy.
  • Seek Community Support: Connect with others who are also trying to reduce their consumption and focus on second prices. Sharing your experiences and challenges can provide motivation and support.
  • Reframe "Second Price" as "Investment": Instead of viewing the effort required to use something as a "price," reframe it as an "investment" in yourself and your well-being. This can make the process feel more rewarding.
  • Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude for the things you already have. This can help you appreciate what you own and reduce the desire to acquire more.
  • Address Underlying Issues: If overconsumption is a symptom of deeper emotional issues, consider seeking professional help to address those issues.
  • Focus on Progress, Not Perfection: Don't get discouraged by setbacks. The goal is to make progress, not to achieve perfection. Celebrate small victories and learn from your mistakes.
I’ve acquired a new superpower

Yesterday, I was browsing Reddit. Midway through my feed, I stumbled upon a video from a German TV show, where a 9-year-old girl demonstrated her ability to ...

I tried the tricks mentioned in the article, and IT WORKS! It's like pure magic for me!


这也是我目前觉得使用 LLM 比较合适的姿势。基于 Code Base 去 generate code 虽然很方便,但容易失控。前期做好分解工作,给 AI 明确的、小的 Task,或者生成 Test Cases 这样繁杂的琐事可能更合适。

让 AI 总结了这段访谈,涉及到的内容还蛮多的。对于追溯童年印记、应对 AI 挑战、珍惜当下这几点颇有共鸣。

























Video is the new HTML — Benedict Evans

Content is moving from the open web to proprietary platforms - Facebook, Google, Snapchat and others - that give both new ways to get users and new formats to curate content. Far more video, far richer ways to show content, video as the new HTML (or the new Flash), and new metrics and dynamics.&

这篇文章探讨了互联网内容分发模式的演变,指出视频正在成为新的 HTML。文章认为,随着分发平台和内容模式的激增,内容呈现方式从传统的 HTML 和 JavaScript 转向更丰富的格式,如视频和即时应用。这种转变不仅改变了用户获取内容的方式,也影响了广告和数据分析。文章还强调了平台所有者对内容和指标的控制,以及移动广告拦截可能带来的挑战。最终,文章认为我们正在寻找一种新的移动运行时环境,而视频和富媒体内容正扮演着关键角色。

这篇文章写于 2016 年,确实有一定的前瞻性,一定程度上也确实在往这个方向发展。一图胜千言,一视频胜千图。视频可以承载的内容非常丰富,而且方便传播,用户接受度也高。但我觉得视频会让人变懒,刺激多巴胺的分泌,从 live a good life 这个角度来看,对视频的依赖长远来说一定是弊大于利。

Should More of Us Be Moving to Live Near Friends?

For these six people, the realest consideration in real estate acquisition was the friends they made along the way

这篇文章探讨了在现代社会中,人们越来越感到孤独,并提出了一种解决方案:搬到朋友附近居住。文章通过多个案例,包括 Toby Rush 和他的朋友们在堪萨斯城建立的紧密社区,以及 Phil Levin 创立的 Live Near Friends 平台,展示了这种生活方式的好处。文章强调了在朋友的支持下,生活可以变得更轻松、更有意义,尤其是在育儿方面。文章还提到了“孤独流行病”和“友谊衰退”等社会问题,并指出,与朋友保持紧密联系可以有效缓解这些问题。文章最后鼓励读者考虑这种生活方式,并强调其带来的便利和支持。


这篇文章探讨了“魔法”背后的原理,并非超自然力量,而是投入了超出常人预期的努力和时间。文章以魔术师 Teller 的一个经典魔术为例,说明了为了达到看似不可能的效果,需要进行大量的提前准备和长时间的等待。这种原理不仅适用于魔术,也适用于其他领域,如音乐、演讲和艺术。文章强调,要实现看似不可能的目标,需要从小处着手,逐步积累,最终达到“一夜成名”的效果,而这背后是长期的投入和积累。



对于自己的 Project,最重要的就是快速看到结果,然后获取反馈并不断优化。其中很重要的是分解能力:将大的项目分解成小的、可独立完成、可以测试并看到结果的子项目。
