

AI 的一个问题是:不会回答「我不知道」

好像重新回到了十年前,可以心无旁骛地做产品,绞尽脑汁地想解决方案,coding 到凌晨两点半,体验「在几近绝望的时候,发现自己的解决方案 Work 了」那种兴奋感。

Spend a tremendous amount of time on research, then go all in.

Homeland is an art

体验了下 Meta 的 RayBan 眼镜,确实挺不错的,重量够轻,可以拍照和摄像,可以播放音频,续航也可以(只要不录像),价格只要 2000 多(闲鱼),相比 Vision Pro, 这个对我更有诱惑力。

Only after you've tried your hardest can you say your talent is limited.

Github Copilot 像是在结对编程,而不是找了个程序员替我干活,这种感觉挺棒的。

AI can accelerate progress from 0 to 60 or 70 quickly, but reaching 80 or 90 requires expertise, passion, and patience. As a result, while AI may replace junior and even intermediate roles, it will enhance the capabilities of senior professionals across nearly every field.



I watched Homeland years ago and recently rewatched it. I’m still completely blown away by how gorgeous it is.

If a stranger, observing your actions for a day, cannot discern your aim, you are in the wrong way.

Everyone has a frequency; you just need to find the things that resonate with yours.

Essentially, you are not building app, you are building art.

晚安机遇号 Good Night Oppy


Without a sense of urgency, change won't happen; without striving for perfection, improvement is impossible.

Everyone should figure out the most effective ways to collaborate with AI ASAP to boost their competitiveness, and more accurately, to survive.

It's been 10 years since Apple Westlake in Hangzhou opened, how time flies. I vaguely remember waiting outside on opening day.

First, fall in love with someone or something; everything else comes second.

Make your digital life a litter better by providing quality and useful Mac apps.

I used to think of people in their 90s as young, but now I'm realizing that someone born in 1990 is turning 35, which is quite shocking.

Bose QC35 are completely useless at blocking out the sound of three middle-aged women talking about their children in a cafe.