
Andrew Huberman 关于多巴胺的一期视频,2 个多小时,非常推荐。以下是我的一些摘录:

Dopamine has everything to do with how you feel right now, an hour from now, your level of motivation, your level of desire, and your willingness to push through effort.

Dopamine is the primary determinate of how motivated we are, how excited we are, how outward facing we are and how willing we are to lean into life and pursue things. It's responsible for motivation, drive and craving primarily.

Dopamine is vitally important to movements

Dopamine impacts mood and motivation.

Many drugs and indeed many supplements that increase dopamine will actually make it harder for you to sustain dopamine release over a long periods of time.

How satisfying or exciting or pleasureful a given experience is, doesn't just depend on the height of that peak, it depends on the height of that peak relative to the baseline.

Just increasing your dopamine, it will make you excited for all things. it will make you feel very motivated, but it will also make that motivation very short-lived.

Dopamine doesn't work on its own. Neurons that release dopamine co-release glutamate, which stimulates neurons to be electrically active. it tends to increase our levels of alertness, readiness and desire to pursue things outside the confines of its skin.

If your dopamine is somewhere in the middle, how you feel depends on whether or not you had higher dopamine a few minutes ago or lower dopamine. you experience of life and your level of motivation depends on how much dopamine you have relative to your recent experience.

Chocolate will increase your baseline level of dopamine 1.5 times. sex (pursue or act) increase dopamine two times. Nicotine(smoked)/Cocaine increase dopamine two and a half times above baseline. Amphetamine will increase the amount of dopamine in the bloodstream 10 times above baseline.

As we start to engage with something more and more and what we say about it, what we encourage ourselves to think about it, has a profound impact on its rewarding or non rewarding properties.

Often times we are feeling good because we are layering in different aspects of life, consuming things and doing things that increase our dopamine. but afterward the drop in baseline occurs, and it always takes a little while to get back to our stable baseline.

There's a pool of dopamine that synthesized and you can only release the dopamine that's been synthesized. It's the readily releasable pool.

The problem is that dopamine is not just evoked by one of these activities, dopamine is evoked by all of these activities. And dopamine is the one currency of craving motivation and desire and pleasure.

The way that you replenish the releasable pool of dopamine is to not engage in these dopaminergic seeking behaviors.

Not expect or chase high levels of dopamine release every time we engage in these activities. intermittent reward schedules are the central schedule by which casinos keep you gambling. Intermittent schedules are the way that the internet and social media and all highly engaging activities keep you motivated and pursuing. That intermittent reinforcement schedule is actually the best schedule to export to other activities.

Just do the exercise. Don't do the exercise and expect dopamine to arrive. If you want to maintain motivation for school, exercise, relationships or pursuits of any duration in kind, the key thing is to make sure that the peak in dopamine, if it's very high, doesn't occur too often.

The whole basis of intermittent reinforcement is that you don't really have a specific schedule of when dopamine is going to be high or low. try removing multiple sources of dopamine release from activities that you want to continue to enjoy.

Taking ice baths, exposing oneself to cold water of various kinds can have tremendously beneficial results on your neuromodulator systems, including dopamine. it's a sustained rise in dopamine that took a very long time up to three hours to come back down to baseline.

The effort part is the good part, not the reward or trophy.