You can't trust Google

Google will eventually kill every single service you care about, if they can't find a way to directly monetize it with ads at a scale of billions. They're institutionally incapable of being in the product or service business, because neither products nor services butter Google's bread. Advertisement does. You can see this emphasis in a...

DHH 作为一名反垄断倡导者(Antitrust advocate),针对Google 的域名服务卖给 Squarespace事件,发表了一篇文章。核心思想如标题所说:Google 的服务是不能被信任的。理由很简单也很有说服力:Google 的核心业务是广告(因为广告最赚钱),如果某个服务的盈利不符合预期(达不到广告业务带来的盈利)就有被终止的可能。Google Domains 每年有1亿8千万美元的收入,服务着上千万的域名,还是被砍掉了。

这里这里罗列着近 300 个被 Google 抛弃的服务(如 Google Reader),如果一家公司推出的服务具有很强的不确定性,怎么放心把重要的信息托管在上面呢?