Mental Health in Open Source

Some of my thoughts on my mental health during my journey in Open Source

Antfu 的这篇文章 描述了他全职做开源项目后的一些变化,主要是精神层面,有不少内容挺值得思考的。

It’s quite similar to "Make your hobby your job". It indeed has a great amount of benefits, like you will be more enjoyable and productive, but it also comes with obligations and responsibilities. When a hobby becomes a job, you lose the freedom to choose when and what to. Before, you would do your hobbies as after-work relaxation, but now when you want to relax with your hobbies, they become work.

Usually, people would say – in these three factors, you can only pick two. If you want to deliver a project faster, you might have to sacrifice the quality or have a smaller scope of features. If you want to have a high-quality and feature-rich product, you might have to sacrifice speed to deliver good stuff slowly, and so on.

So, to say, I usually pick Quality and Velocity. In the beginning, the scope of my projects was quite clear and small. I managed to keep the quality high, deliver things fast, and get feedback from the community quickly. At that time, I was able to stay productive and motivated to keep working on those projects.