My product is my garden

I’ve been part of the internet startup scene for a while. There are so many different camps: the bootstrappers, the VC-backed tech-bros, the crypto “investor...


That’s what I want from my products. I want to putter about, feel connected to the process, and have fun doing so. I want to make things that don’t scale. To see people tuck into them and enjoy them as people, not as stats. I’ve done this fairly successfully with JustSketchMe. We have a small, diverse, and amazing community of artists and illustrators making awesome things. I’m trying to build a similar product with Bear Blog. Something niche but valuable. Something I can spend time on because I want to.

这就是我想从我的产品中得到的。我想在花园里四处闲逛,享受创作的乐趣。我想创作去规模化的产品。看到人们融入其中并享受它们,而不只是统计数据。我已经通过 JustSketchMe 相当成功地完成了这项工作。我们有一个小型的、多样化的、令人惊叹的艺术家和插画家社区,他们制作了很棒的东西。我正在尝试用 Bear Blog 构建一个类似的产品,小众但有价值。

作为对比,那些外向型的产品更像是花店,可能更注重如何售卖地更多,而忽略了花本身。这是两种不同类型的产品,面向的人群也不太一样,花园是 Something niche but valuable. 没有太大的野心,要占领市场多少份额,或达到一定数额的 MRR(Monthly Recurring Revenue),重点在于主人对花园的用心程度,与花园的用户互动,感受花园带给他们的乐趣。