A "Failure to Evaluate Return-on-Time" Fallacy — LessWrong

I don't have a good name for this fallacy, but I hope to work it out with everyone here through thinking and discussion. …


A somewhat silly example: Let's say someone aspires to be a comedian, the best comedian ever, and to make a living doing comedy. He wants nothing else, it is his purpose. And he decides that in order to become a better comedian, he will watch re-runs of the old television cartoon 'Garfield and Friends' that was on TV from 1988 to 1995.


相信我们都有过类似的经历。通常是冲动引发的 Action,而不是理性选择的 Action。这样的行为通常持续不了多久,因为系统一选择的路径通常没有经过细致的调研,在经历不适之后,系统二一质问,就会废弃这个行为。

一个更加合适的做法是,让系统一和系统二协同。系统二定期 Review Action,基于是否有更合适当下状况的可行路径,决定是否要继续当前的 Action。有点像遛狗理论:狗有一定的自由度,但一旦跑偏会被主人通过绳子纠正。