出身泰国华人家庭的无业年轻人阿安(马群耀 饰)看到堂妹因照顾病重的爷爷而继承房产后,也对身患绝症的姥姥(乌萨·萨梅坎姆 饰)动了心思,计划复刻堂妹的“致富之路”获取百万遗产。但面对同样“努力”的舅舅们...
付费体验了下 Cursor,确实强,几分钟就完成了两个 Feature。可以把自己转换为一个新角色:懂技术的产品经理。
PS: 对比了下 Cody VS Code 插件(相比 Cursor,便宜了一半),功能上类似,但 Index 总是有问题,有点慢,有时还会 Apply 到错误的代码块。
“Will AI replace programmers?” Perfect take by Lex.
Lex 针对读者问到的「感觉自己的编程能力会/已经被 AI 取代,如何克服这种焦虑感」的回复,挺到位的。
- ride the wave of code generating LLMs
- become a big picture architect
- constantly switch to the best AI tools & models
- design with natural language 1st
- don’t compete with the AI, use it to work better
核心思想是拥抱 AI,使其为自己所用。还有就是把自己从「程序员」的角色解放出来,向 CEO, Product Manager 转变。
Check out NotebookLM! Create a notebook, upload one or more sources (e.g. PDFs of research papers, your favorite PhD thesis, a newspaper article, etc) then click on 'Generate' to create a podcast of two voices talking about the content you've uploaded. https://blog.google/technology/ai/notebooklm-audio-overviews/
NotebookLM, Google 出的这款产品(目前还在内测,有区域和年龄限制),可以让你上传 PDF 文档、论文、文章,然后生成两人聊天的 Podcast,很方便。听了下聊天的效果,非常接近真人(英语)。
作者通过 Cursor AI Editor 快速开发了一个原生 Mac App: VideoSearch,可以搜索视频中出现过的文字。除此之外连截图、说明文案、网页等都可以通过 Cursor 来完成。
该视频演示了他是如何使用 Cursor 来进行开发的,对于没太接触过 Cursor AI 编程的同学应该会有不少启发。
我之前一直纠结于 Xcode 不支持 Cursor,看了视频后,发现解决方案页挺简单的,就是把项目通过 Cursor 打开,然后在 Xcode 中运行,报错后,再回到 Cursor 让它解决。
Marketing 层面:因 为用户的时间是有限的,因此要在极短的时间内把「产品是什么,为什么你应该使用」这件事说清楚,可以通过 landing 页,或方便传播的短视频来实现。「让目标用户看见」可以有很多种方式,最直接有效的,就是通过自己的社交媒体圈来传播,并且让其他人有忍不住分享的冲动。
Product 层面:最重要的是持续迭代,用户可以感觉到产品是活的,被得到足够的关注。选型方面可以往私人订制、有趣、小而美这几个点考虑,或者更直接点:大厂不会考虑做的产品。
震撼!豆瓣和 IMDB 双 8.6 的片子果然不一般!看的过程中停了好几次来捋剧情。细节非常丰富,值得二刷。
今天继续冷水澡,不过说是冷水澡,因为是在夏末秋初,所以真实温度应该有 20 度左右。
一开始还是会有点抗拒,但不给自己犹豫的时间,直接把水龙头一开,站在下面 20 来秒钟,就基本适应了。
这次持续了 10 分钟左右,出来后身体会微微发热,感觉还是不错的。
深夜的地铁站,因错过末班车让山音麦(菅田将晖 饰)和八谷绢(有村架纯 饰)两个年轻人不期而遇。他们相约前往附近的咖啡店,并且畅聊文学、电影和各自的爱好。令他们感到惊喜的是,两个人无论是习惯、爱好还是理...
在上一期的 Podcast 中,嘉宾提到了「地中海饮食」 (Mediterranean Diet),check 了下,它还是 the No. 1 Best Diet Overall
The Mediterranean diet is the No. 1 Best Diet Overall. It’s also a top-rated diet for those looking for a heart-healthy diet, a diabetes-friendly diet or to promote bone and joint health
Neuroscientist's Tips for Long-Term Brain Health
- Exercise, even just some walk(能提升心率的有氧运动). it can make your memory work better, improve your mood and improve the function of prefrontal cortex
- The more people you are regularly interacting with the longer you are living. The strength of your social connections is what brings you happiness.
- 冷热水交替浴,这个 Andrew Humber 在他的这期关于多巴胺的 podcast 中也有提到(冷水澡能把多巴胺的 baseline 提升到 3 倍,并且持续数小时)。
- 冥想
- 地中海饮食
不知道是不是指令的问题,想让 Midjourney 画一个 3x3 摆放的沙发,就是画不出来 😤
如果想用 AI 画图作为生活记录的话, 还是有挺长的路要走···
9 black lazyboy (like in Friends) sofa arranged by 3 row and 3 column as described in reference image, yellow wooden floor, top view, Japanese comic/manga style.
When I was first learning to program I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. I was using C, and I remember desperately putting in * and & characters until things compiled. But, this was pre-Mac OS X. Upon running my horrifically incorrect programs, half the time the screen would become corrupted and the mouse would stop moving. I’d then have to reboot the whole machine via a physical switch. This was … frustrating.
这篇文章通过一个简单直观的场景(从网络加载图片并展示),演示了 Swift Concurrency 和使用 GCD 的差异。会涉及到基本的 Swift Concurrency 概念(如 @MainActory, isolation, async/await 等),没有太深入,但能知道大概是怎么回事,以及如何使用。对于刚接触 Swift 并发的同学来说,非常友好。
Andrew Huberman 关于多巴胺的一期视频,2 个多小时,非常推荐。以下是我的一些摘录:
Dopamine has everything to do with how you feel right now, an hour from now, your level of motivation, your level of desire, and your willingness to push through effort.
Dopamine is the primary determinate of how motivated we are, how excited we are, how outward facing we are and how willing we are to lean into life and pursue things. It's responsible for motivation, drive and craving primarily.
Dopamine is vitally important to movements
Dopamine impacts mood and motivation.
Many drugs and indeed many supplements that increase dopamine will actually make it harder for you to sustain dopamine release over a long periods of time.
How satisfying or exciting or pleasureful a given experience is, doesn't just depend on the height of that peak, it depends on the height of that peak relative to the baseline.
Just increasing your dopamine, it will make you excited for all things. it will make you feel very motivated, but it will also make that motivation very short-lived.
Dopamine doesn't work on its own. Neurons that release dopamine co-release glutamate, which stimulates neurons to be electrically active. it tends to increase our levels of alertness, readiness and desire to pursue things outside the confines of its skin.
If your dopamine is somewhere in the middle, how you feel depends on whether or not you had higher dopamine a few minutes ago or lower dopamine. you experience of life and your level of motivation depends on how much dopamine you have relative to your recent experience.
Chocolate will increase your baseline level of dopamine 1.5 times. sex (pursue or act) increase dopamine two times. Nicotine(smoked)/Cocaine increase dopamine two and a half times above baseline. Amphetamine will increase the amount of dopamine in the bloodstream 10 times above baseline.
As we start to engage with something more and more and what we say about it, what we encourage ourselves to think about it, has a profound impact on its rewarding or non rewarding properties.
Often times we are feeling good because we are layering in different aspects of life, consuming things and doing things that increase our dopamine. but afterward the drop in baseline occurs, and it always takes a little while to get back to our stable baseline.
There's a pool of dopamine that synthesized and you can only release the dopamine that's been synthesized. It's the readily releasable pool.
The problem is that dopamine is not just evoked by one of these activities, dopamine is evoked by all of these activities. And dopamine is the one currency of craving motivation and desire and pleasure.
The way that you replenish the releasable pool of dopamine is to not engage in these dopaminergic seeking behaviors.
Not expect or chase high levels of dopamine release every time we engage in these activities. intermittent reward schedules are the central schedule by which casinos keep you gambling. Intermittent schedules are the way that the internet and social media and all highly engaging activities keep you motivated and pursuing. That intermittent reinforcement schedule is actually the best schedule to export to other activities.
Just do the exercise. Don't do the exercise and expect dopamine to arrive. If you want to maintain motivation for school, exercise, relationships or pursuits of any duration in kind, the key thing is to make sure that the peak in dopamine, if it's very high, doesn't occur too often.
The whole basis of intermittent reinforcement is that you don't really have a specific schedule of when dopamine is going to be high or low. try removing multiple sources of dopamine release from activities that you want to continue to enjoy.
Taking ice baths, exposing oneself to cold water of various kinds can have tremendously beneficial results on your neuromodulator systems, including dopamine. it's a sustained rise in dopamine that took a very long time up to three hours to come back down to baseline.
The effort part is the good part, not the reward or trophy.
I love bug squash interviews.
「通过改 Bug 的方式来面试」,很好的想法,一方面 Debug 是程序员每天都会做的事,Debug 能力很能体现程序员的功力,最大的问题就是准备题目会比较辛苦。
Here’s a repo you’ve never seen before. Here’s how to build and run the tests in this repo. There’s a bug: what we’re observing is X, but we want to see Y instead. Find the bug and maybe even write some code to fix it.